Sheikh of Muhammad Jamil Jambek moslem scholar exponent of renewal of Islam of Sumatra West early century of ke-20,
By : m. saifuddin zuhri
In the early century of ke-20, [in] West Sumatra marked with period which is the full (of) turbulence of social and is intellectual. [In] awali with the return three moslem scholar of Minangkabau as free as studying [in] Mekah, that is Inyik Djambek, Inyik Rasul and of Inyik Abdullah Ahmad bring Islam teaching modernization of Muhammad Abduh and of Jamaluddin al-Afghani of Egypt. This Movement [do] not only motivated by reconditional movement which have expanded [in] Egypt but also by motivation of rivalitas to faction education of West which way of social and material seen more prestigious.
Sheikh of Muhammad Djamil Djambek ( 1860 – 1947)1, [is] [is].
one from three moslem scholar exponent of renewal of Islam of Sumatra West [in] early century of ke-20, borne [by] [in] Bukittinggi (), famous as science expert of falak notable. Name Of Sheikh of Muhammad Djamil Djambek more knowledgeable with the title Inyik Sheikh of Muhammad Djamil Djambek or of Inyik Djambek, borne from nob family. He/She also represent clan of chieftain. Its so called father [of] Saleh Grandfather of Maleka, a head of nagari Kurai, while its mother come Sundanesely.
Correct H./1862 M in fact [is] 4 January 1863 M, write Drsedwar dkk. Citing Ensiklopedi Islam Indonesia ( EII), Jakarta Djambatan, 2002, Ed Cet.2. Revise, hal.520 521,Syekh Djamil Djambek born 1860, and die 30 December 1947 / 18 Sfafar 1366 H, [in] Bukittinggi, in age 87 year.
1 Documentation H. Mas’Oed Abidin.
Sheikh of Muhammad Jamil Jambek moslem scholar exponent of renewal of Islam of Sumatra West early century of ke-20,
each other price esteem, although at the time life of parewa still like to gamble, make cocks fighting, but they are the expert in kunfu and pencak.
Its father bringing [him/ it] to Mekah in the year 1896 and live [in].
there during 9 years study religion problems. Its teachers [in] Mekah, [among/between] Taher Djalaluddin lain,adalah, Sheikh of Bafaddhal, Sheikh of Serawak and Sheikh of Ahmad Khatib. At the time he/she learn to Sheikh of Ahmad Khatib Minangkabau. Initialy Muhammad Djamil interest to study sorcery to a Moroccan teacher, but he/she [is] awaked by its teacher. During learning [in] holy land;ground, many theology which he/she get. For example studied intensively [is] about science of tarekat and also enter mystique [in] Dusty Jabal [of] Qubais. With pendalaman [of] Sheikh of Muhammad Djamil become expert of tarekat and even take diploma from Naqsabandiyyah-Khalidiyah tarekat. Among its its[his] there are some teacher of tarekat. Cause that's Sheikh of Muhammad Djamil Djambek respected as Sheikh of Tarekat.
From all science which have been deepened which is on finally making famous [him/ it] [is] about science of falak, and learn with Sheikh of Taher Djalaluddin. [In] final a period of/to its study [in] Mother, [he/she] have time to teach science of falak, becoming his specialization area, to Sumatra society and of Jawi which living [in] Mekah. Its Membership [in] science area of falak get wide [of] confession [in] Mekah. On that account, when still reside in holy land;ground, Sheikh of Muhammad Djamil Djambek even also teach its science to [all] prosecutor of science of Minangkabau which learn [in] Mekah. Like, Ibrahim Mozes of Parabek ( founder of teacher of Tawalib Parabek) and also Sheikh of Abdullah ( founder of teacher of Tawalib Long Field).
By tens polemical book, goodness in Arab Ianguage and also Malay start published many, and various magazine, newspaper which proclaiming things which in the form of turbulence of idea, and streams in understanding of sect in Islam syari’at, start many.
pop out, and deed in custom of sesuI guidance of syarak, Islam [is] like fun discussed. One of the exponent of renewal movement [in] Minangkabau propagating its minds from Mekah in the early century of ke-20 [is] Sheikh of Ahmad Khatib EL Minangkabawy ( 1855).2 2 Deliar Noer, Modern Movement [of] Islam in Indonesia 1900-1942,Jakarta, LP3ES, 1980, hal.38 2 Documentation H. Mas’Oed Abidin.
Sheikh of Muhammad Jamil Jambek moslem scholar exponent of renewal of Islam of Sumatra West early century of ke-20,
Sheikh of Ahmad Khatib [is] the born of a very Priest movement judge anti colonization of Dutch. He [is] borne [by] [in] Bukittinggi in the year 1855 by so called mother [of] Limbak Decompose, which is is the relative of Muhammad Shaleh Grandfather of Bagindo, Barrel, Lead Nagari Ampek Angkek coming from Koto Tuo Balaigurah, District Of Ampek Angkek Candung. Its Father [is] Abdullatief Khatib Nagari, relative of Grandfather of Rangkayo Mangkuto, Barrel, Lead Nagari Kotogadang, District of IV Koto, across the Bukittinggi ngarai. Either from paternal mother [party/ side] and or him, Ahmad Khatib [is] child looked into, from family circle having religion background and strong custom, and child of kemenakan of my two sir people [of] Barrel of Ampek and of Ampek Angkek. South-East, that mother and father of Ahmad Khatib brought into contact in nuptials differ this nagari, because both of the same owning to domicile high in custom, of my sir family [of] barrel, and background combatant of Padre, of family of Pakih Saghir and my Sir [of] Tuo nan.
3 Documentation H. Mas’Oed Abidin.
Sheikh of Muhammad Jamil Jambek moslem scholar exponent of renewal of Islam of Sumatra West early century of ke-20,
Since childhood [of] Ahmad Khatib get education [at] low school which founded [by] Dutch [in] its birth town. He leave its native land go to Mekah in the year 1871 brought by its father. Until he/she end education, and menikah [at] 1879 with a putri Mekah Siti Khadijah, child of Sheikh of Shaleh al-Kurdi, hence Sheikh of Ahmad Khatib start to teach its residency [in] Mekah have never returned to him area.
Sheikh of Ahmad Khatib, tired degree of dimiciling highest in teaching religion as imam of Sect of Syafei [in] Illicit Masjidil, [in] Mekah. As imam of Sect of Syafe’I, he [do] not prohibit its it[him] to study article of Muhammad Abduh, a pembaru.
in idea of Islam [in] Egypt. Sheikh of Ahmad Khatib very famous in refusing two kinds of habit [in] Minangkabau, namely ceremonials about and heritage of tarekat practiced Naqsyahbandiyah during the period. Both that problem continuously studying of, straightened and which [do] not in line with Islam syari’at opposed of. Understanding and of pendalaman of Sheikh of Ahmad this Khatib Minangkabawy el, [is] later;then continued by renewal movement [in] Minangkabau, passing tabligh, discussion, and moslem scholar muzakarah and of zu’ama, publication of and brochure of suratkabar movement, founding of schools like Sumatra madrasah-madrasah of Thawalib, and Diniyah Female, to nagari-nagari [in] Minangkabau, so that become exponent of movement grab independence of Republic Of Indonesia. In a few masterpiece of Ahmad Khatib indicate that whose goods still obey institutes “ infidel”, [is] infidel and will enter hell. Later;Then, all obtained good and chattel according to hereditary law to kemenakan, according to opinion of Ahmad Khatib have to be considered to be booty.
4 Documentation H. Mas’Oed Abidin.
Sheikh of Muhammad Jamil Jambek moslem scholar exponent of renewal of Islam of Sumatra West early century of ke-20,
[submitted/sent] [by] ideas [is] Ahmad Khatib trigger.
renewal of idea of Islam [in] Minangkabau. At others resistance meaning to idea of Ahmad Khatib come from Islam tradition circle which [is] sometimes referred [as] [by] the old. Its lampooning [regarding/ hit] tarekat, have been [replied/ answered] by Sheikh of Muhamamad Moment of bin Tanta’ of Mungkar and Sheikh of Khatib Ali [in] Field of jang publish some article about it.
Its lampooning in heritage, grow awareness of many people of Minangkabau comprehend, that is unadaptable [of] hereditary law of matrilineal with religion law. Among religion teacher quite a few which cannot agree founding of Ahmad Khatib, assumed [to] ignore peace. Although that minds get challenge of custom clan, and also [his/its] pupil frowning on idea that way, but this different idea have borne ambition to be more expand, reanimating awareness for recognition return ownself, that is awareness to leave situated behindly. Sheikh of Ahmad Khatib Minangkabawy al propagate its minds from Mekah [pass/through] its articles [in] Islam books or magazine, and [pass/through] pupils which learn to it. By that, [he/she] look after [relation/link] with him area of Minangkabau, passing its pupils which give or obtain cash for religious service of haji to Mekah, and which learn to [him]. They are this is later;then become teacher [in] each him area.
moslem scholar of Zuama the ex- pupil of Ahmad Khatib, start mengetengahkan.
idea, Islam manakala mean remain to gratify its follower, hence having to happened a[n renewal. Each;Every period in history civilization of human being, bearing renewal of idea of religion with aim to improve;repair pattern subsistence of [his/its] people. That aspiration [is] re-found in religion. Way of thinking a believe in Islam starting from confidence ascription, that that Islam not possible (to) get across culture. With progress of people way of thinking try to find again its goals in Islam. Arise question, what is in Islam there [is] element which concerning to equation aspiration, national, ambition to go forward and rationalism. Excellence of Sheikh of Ahmad Khatib in giving Iesson to its pupil, always avoid attitude of taqlid.
5 Documentation H. Mas’Oed Abidin.
Sheikh of Muhammad Jamil Jambek moslem scholar exponent of renewal of Islam of Sumatra West early century of ke-20,
One of the from its pupil, namely H.Abdullah Ahmad, what later;then become one of the among moslem scholar and of zuama, leader of clan of pembaru [in] Minangkabau, founder of Sumatra of Thawalib, which early from aji [in] Mosque of Zuama, Bridge Iron, Padangpanjang, and later;then found also Association Of Teacher Islamic Religion ( PGAI), [in] Teak;Core, Field, have developed its teacher teaching [pass/through] education and clarification of science tradition and push also [all] its pupil to utilize mind truthfully [is] Allah gift. If trust only growing sematamata because acceptance of authority learn eye, hence trust of[is there is no its price, and that's opening door of taqlid. War fight against foreign colonization [do] not solely by using weapon, and rifle of kelewang, but is smart [of] child of kemenakan by giving science tradition weapon.
Its pupils later;then become activator of renewal of idea of Islam [in] Minangkabau, like Sheikh of Muhammad Djamil Djambek ( 1860 – 1947)3, Haji Abdul Karim Amarullah ( 1879-1945) 4, and Haji Abdullah Ahmad ( 1878 – 1933)5.
A other pembaru [is] Sheikh of Taher Djalaluddin ( 1869 1956), [at] its nonage [is] called [by] Muhammad Taher Sheikh bin.
Muhamad, born [in] Ampek Angkek, Bukittinggi, year 1869, child of Sheikh of Cangking, grandchild of titled Faqih Saghir [of] Sheikh of Djalaluddin my Ahmad Sir [of] Sami’, exponent return to teaching of syariat with my Sir [of] Nan Tuo.
Sheikh of Taher Djalaluddin [is] first cousin of Ahmad Khatib Al Minangkabawy, because its mother [of] [sister/ brother] have [sister/ brother]. Sheikh of Taher Djalaluddin, 3 Sheikh of Djamil Djambek borne [by] [in] Bukittinggi in the year 1860 , child of Muhammad Saleh Grandfather of Maleka, Lead Nagari Kurai. Its Mother come from Betawi. Sheikh of Djamil Djambek die year 1947 [in] Bukittinggi.
4 Haji Rasul born [in] River Bar, Maninjau, year 1879, child a Sheikh moslem scholar of Muhammad Amarullah perform my Sir [of] Kisai. [At] 1894, going to Mekah, learn during 7 year. Sekembali from Mekah, dubed [by] my Sir [of] Sheikh of Nan Mudo. Later;Then again live [in] Mekah until year 1906, giving Iesson [in] Mekah, among its its[his] [is] including Ibrahim Mozes of Parabek, becoming a all important supporter of renewal of idea of Islam [in] Minangkabau. Haji Rasul die [in] jakarta 2 June 1945.
5 Haji Abdullah Ahmad born [in] Long Field in the year 1878, child of Haji Ahmad, a moslem scholar and merchant. Its mother come from Bengkulu, still trah of follower of combatant of Sentot Ali Basyah.
6 Documentation H. Mas’Oed Abidin.
Sheikh of Muhammad Jamil Jambek moslem scholar exponent of renewal of Islam of Sumatra West early century of ke-20,
go to Mekah 1880, and study during 15 year, later;then distribute to Al Azhar, [in] Egypt ( 1895-1898), and back to Mekah teach until year 1900. [He/She] very expert [in] science area of falak, and place learn Sheikh of Muhammad Djamil Djambek. Start 1900 year that, Sheikh of Taher Djalaluddin remain to [in] Malaya, have been lifted to become Monarchic Mufti [of] Silver. Hand in glove [of] Sheikh [relation/link] him of Taher Djalaluddin with college of Al-Azhar [in] Kairo, he/she enhance al-Azhari rear its name.
Sheikh of Taher Djalaluddin represent a eldest as exponent of teaching of Ahmad Khatib [in] Minangkabau and Malay land;ground. Even he [is] also considered to be teacher by circle of pembaru [in] Minangkabau. Influence Of Sheikh of Taher Djalaluddin spread over [at] its pupils [pass/through] magazine of Al Imam and [pass/through] founded school [it] [in] Singapore with King of Ali Haji Ahmad bin in the year 1908. This so called school [of] Al Islamiyah Al-Iqbal, becoming model Go to school Adabiyah founded by Haji Abdullah Ahmad [in] Field in the year 1908. Monthly of Al-Imam load article about knowledge of popular, important occurence comment [in] world, especially Islam world, and religion problems, even push Islam people what a important is/are have a State which independence and [do] not be colonized. This magazine push tired To Islam people [of] and progress have competition [to] with west world. Al-Iman often adopt an idea from Mohammad Abduh the told [by] magazine of Al-Mannar [in] Egypt. This Magazine wear Malay with Malay Arabic characters or article of Jawi, and propagated in Indonesia cover Java land;ground ( Betawi, Jakarta, Cianjur, Semarang, and Surabaya), Kalimantan ( [in] Pontianak and of Sambas), Sulawesi ( [in] Makassar). [In] Field, Haji Abdullah Ahmad follow the example of motto and form of Al-Iman [at] published magazine [it] [in] so called Field [of] Al-Munir. Many problem of which [is] discussed [at] Al-Iman 7 Documentation H. Mas’Oed Abidin.
Sheikh of Muhammad Jamil Jambek moslem scholar exponent of renewal of Islam of Sumatra West early century of ke-20,
getting place [at] Al-Munir. Sheikh of Taher new can [go/come] home to Minangkabau in the year 1923 and year 1927, but at the time he/she [is] arrested and arrested by Government of Dutch during is six-month, alleged to libel and oppose colonization [pass/through] its articles in magazine of Al Believe that. After is free [of] Sheikh of Taher leave its native land and have never returned again to him area. Sheikh of Taher Djalaluddin pass away in the year 1956 [in] Confluence of Kangsar, Silver, Malaya.
movement of Pembaruaan [in] early this century can be conceived of [by] renewal movement [all] moslem scholar of zuama, truthfully have inherit to joint to joint in enchaining going concern history [of] semenjak from two previous Padre movement. Earn [is] also expressed that movement renewal of moslem scholar of zuama [in] early century 20 [in] Minangkabau become link of third Padre period movement. first Movement Padre period, [in] early eight century [of] compassion, started [by] moslem scholar triad the return of Minang ( 1802), consisting of Impecunious Haji [in] is Clever [of] Sikek, Immeasurable Luhak, Haji Abdur Rahman, [in] Piobang, Luhak Limopuluah, and Haji Muhammad Arief, [in] Sumanik, Luhak Nan Tuo, Plain, what [is] also recognized is titled [of] My sir [of] Lintau, early with resuscitation of[is spirit [of] believe in Islam in customary life [in] Minangkabau. Movement Padre of perode [both/ second] continued by my Sir [of] Tuo nan, My Sir [of] Renceh nan, My Sir [of] Citadel of Sanang, My Sir [of] Koto Ambalau, My Sir [in] Deep hollow of Aur, My Sir [in] Farm of Laweh and my Sir [of] Imam Bulge which tip of with perlawaanan to colonization of Dutch ( 1821-1837), and born charter him of Marapalam agreeing on syarak basandi adaik, Kitabullah basandi syarak [in] domain of Minangkabau.
8 Documentation H. Mas’Oed Abidin.
Sheikh of Muhammad Jamil Jambek moslem scholar exponent of renewal of Islam of Sumatra West early century of ke-20,
Movement Return to executed Syariat below/under my Sir tuition [of] Nan Tuo, what later;then continue to Movement Priest below/under my Sir head [of] Nan Renceh, what later;then joint to joint below/under my Sir head [of] Imam Bulge, real [do] not oppose hereditary law pursuant to mother line. Malahan, reconditional movement which executed by them, since my Sir [of] Tuo nan, My Sir [of] Renceh nan, and my Sir [of] Imam Bulge, more is strengthening [of] inheritance, that such [is] high patrimony, exploited for the prosperity of clan, and therefore, such inheritance degraded to kemenakan, and placed [by] [at] observation of woman line. But [regarding/ hit] work estae, both [of] that movement in agreement have to be bequeathed to child. My sir [of] Imam Bulge, conscious that after its child courier [it] study Islam law to the ground Mekah, expressing the division of real duty [among/between] and custom of syarak religion or. That problem of custom returned to Basa and Chieftain, while problem of religion delivered to my Sir or malin. This is custom teaching doctrine of basandi syarak, Kitabullah basandi syarak.
Movement renewal of moslem scholar of zuama [in] early century to 20 [in] domain.
This Minangkabau, early with the going home [all] prosecutor of science of Mother of el Mukarramah, what generally [is] pupil of Sheikh of Ahmad Khatib Al Minangkabawiy, have followed to give contribution to clarification of deed and understanding of syari’at Islam, and push to appearance debates of public followed [by] [all] moslem scholar, literate clan, and custom experts, and follow also open opportunity to delivering birth of various bevy type with aim to deepen mores and theology, and also push the growing of education of Islam, samapai madrasah-madrasah to nagari-nagari, and stand up also have organizational type [to] [of] movement, like Tarbiyah Islamiyah, Adabiyyah, 9 Documentation H. Mas’Oed Abidin.
Sheikh of Muhammad Jamil Jambek moslem scholar exponent of renewal of Islam of Sumatra West early century of ke-20,
Muhammadiyah, and extend to peninsula of Malaya, brought by Sheikh of Taher Jalaluddin which is more executing its mission [in] land;ground of semenjanjung that.
Do not less important incidence [of] small turbulences [in] some place, usually conceive custom society dynamics and religion in developing society [in] Minangkabau which [is] experiencing of change, grow new desire to process reexamination to culture values had. When development direction and perobahan of social [is] happened, going to atmosphere grab independence and before proclamation independence of Republic Of Indonesia, after ending of grind of length 350 year colonized [by] Dutch, and changing over [him/ it] power to Dai Nippon, hence grabbing independence become [is] obliged to. Religious advices [all] moslem scholar and of zuama follow to form history dynamics and idea of Islam [in] domain of Minangkabau dart, since fourty previous year have also been moved by [all] moslem scholar of zuama with religion science bases and mores, and also discussions growth of politics [in] Egypt and of Turki a period of/to that, follow to push to seeking of model matching with which [is] haq, and claim attitude believe in rational, and also grow to develop the spirit [of] independence in nation and state.
Renewal of Islam [in] Minangkabau is not eye limited to activity and also just idea, but finding again elementary principle or teaching [of] Islam going into effect endless able to overcome time and room.
Meanwhile the effort practical renewal, goodness in the form of and school of madrasah-madrasah nor [crafting/ diligence] of countryside, start to pop out. Clan pembaru of idea of Islam try to return elementary teaching [of] Islam by eliminating all kinds of addition 10 Documentation H. Mas’Oed Abidin.
Sheikh of Muhammad Jamil Jambek moslem scholar exponent of renewal of Islam of Sumatra West early century of ke-20,
incoming later;then in din, religion, and by discharging follower of Islam of jumud, illiquidity in problem of world.
They try to solve additional wall and that jumud, [so that/ to be] you emu can return Islam teaching nucleus;core and content truthfully, which according to its confidence become light able to illuminate this nature. clan of Pembaru convince of that chapter of al-ijtihad, open still; they refuse taqlid. Ijtihad bring clan of pembaru to be more.
paying attention opinion. Desire to go out from situation that assumed disagree with ideal ideas confront.
Minangkabau [at] choices which sometime each other interfering in.
West model possible goodness, but can mean threat [at] religion bases and custom. Change matching with orthodox Islam teaching, (it) is true represent resolving. But how also with custom institute which have in life of society.
Minangkabau? And, what also example [of] which can follow? But custom parameter very limited and diffraction block off to world go forward and possible also confront x'self [at] problem of innocent and sin, problem of batil and of haq.
Sheikh of Muhammad Djamil Djambek ( 1860 – 1947)
In the year 1903, he/she return to the ground irrigate. At the return from Mekah, Mohammad Djamil start to give Iesson of religion traditionally Because [he/she] look after elegantly and is regular [of] whiskers and [his/its] beard, hence its pupil start mentioning [him/ it] with Sheikh of Muhammad Djamil Djambek, or Inyik Djambek. Its Pupils most consisting of [all] tarekat kalipah. After some llama, Sheikh of Muhammad Djambek think to [do/conduct] activity of alternative. Its liver (it) is true more incline to give its knowledge, although [do] not [pass/through] institute or 11 Documentation H. Mas’Oed Abidin.
Sheikh of Muhammad Jamil Jambek moslem scholar exponent of renewal of Islam of Sumatra West early century of ke-20,
organization. He/She so take an interest in effort improve someone belief in God. Later;Then he leave Bukittinggi and back experience life of parewa [in] Kamang, a nagari center renewal of Islam below/under my Sir [of] Renceh nan [at] century of ke-19. Till later;then he/she found two surau, namely Middle Surau [of] Rice field and of Surau Kamang.
Both known as [by] Surau place study with Inyik Djambek. [In] Kamang also he start to propagate knowledge of religion to.
improving belief.
Finally, he come up with idea, that most child of nagari [do] not execute religion teaching finely not because of less belief in God and its [his/its], but because knowledge of them less about Islam itself teaching. He carp society which still gandrung [at] teaching of tarekat. He come near mamak ninik and discuss various problem of society. Islam as according to epoch demand and situation. Islam also mean progress, Islam [do] not pursue the effort searching science, growth of life of world, and respect to domicile woman. Islam [is] universal religion, elementary [of] its teaching have been laid open by [all] prophet, delegated to all nation ( QS. 10;47;2: 164; 35:24; 40:78). Their duty [is] finished by Prophet of Muhammad saw, last courier rasul to entire/all mankind.
Mind aspiration to move forward people with such Islam, can only reach to [pass/through] deed of syariat, what divided to observance and tauhid. In religious service, forbidden altogether, except which [is] ordered. Become the way of have religious service [to] have been commanded. [In] new traditions which [there] no its comand, hence inacceptable as religious service, and referred [as] [by] bid’ah. In activity of purification of religion, clan of pembaru 12 Documentation H. Mas’Oed Abidin.
Sheikh of Muhammad Jamil Jambek moslem scholar exponent of renewal of Islam of Sumatra West early century of ke-20,
opposing various differentiated bid’ah to the two type, that is bid’ah according to law ( syar’iyah) and in usage of Ianguage ( lughawiyah).
Syar’Iyah Bid’ah cannot be let to go into effect, in consequence require to check in all matter, what is everyday [done/conducted] inveterate [in] religion area, by using mind and stand upon one of [the] law pillar ( Holy, Sunnah, Ijma’, Qiyas). Despitefully there [is] also bid’ah in trust problem ( bid’ah [at] I’Tikad), as there [is] also bid’ah [at] deed, like saying niyah. In lughawiyah bid’ah [entered/included], for example, studying grammar, founding religion schools, developments of tower, because [is] altogether viewed as [by] appliance assist which [is] adapted for [by] epoch for memenuhui govern prophet, like ‘ searching science’. Islam [at] a period of/to progress [do] not have to expand parallel with growth of inteletual, because there [is] prohibited matter and ordered, in illicit and lawful boundary, and also very and ma’ruf of nahyun ‘ munkar anil, as nature of genuiness of Islam. Religion also arrange dealt only with matter [is] world. This problem there [is] pregnant [of] characteristic ‘ ubudiyah, in meaning pursuant to comand and part of Allah din, while way of practicing [him/ it] have the character of earthlyly.
For example comand look after orphan, respecting old fellow, cleaning tooth, which [is] its execution most laying in individual choice.
Later;Then until also to more sensitive problem- until where freedom had to chosen alternative? Problem of politics and later;then propagate nationalism anti colonial [go] to Great Indonesia is not quit of this intellectual turbulence. Not even the problem of fikh, but also the problem of tauhid have to face with open mind. basal difference [among/between] real unlawful innovation, which 13 Documentation H. Mas’Oed Abidin.
Sheikh of Muhammad Jamil Jambek moslem scholar exponent of renewal of Islam of Sumatra West early century of ke-20,
steming Holy and of Hadits, and renewal in consequence of switchover of epoch, have to be differentiated emphatically.
[All] exponent of renewal of idea of Islam [in] Minangkabau come from all profession area, among others moslem scholar circle ( Haji Rasul), merchant circle ( H. Abdullah Ahmad), and in general succeed to release x'self of existing tradition, like Sheikh of Djamil Djambek, Haji Rasul, Haji Abdullah Ahmad and of Ibrahim Mozes of Parabek, [in] its life spans [is] viewed as [by] big moslem scholar, place return all problem of social and religion in general. Movement renewal of idea [in] religion area which at most heard [in] Sumatra West. Sometimes they [is] named [by] clan of modernist or referred [as] also young clan. One of the among clan of pembaru that [is] H.Abdullah Ahmad many times say, that [in] each;every area may utilize mind, what in fact [is] God gift, except religion area. If trust remain to represent just acceptance of teacher authority- or taqlid, hence there is no trust utilize him. Sensible people [of] its sweetheart [of] Allah Have to and for that studying of law roots ( al-fiqh ushul). To defin all core of this Islam teaching to needed [by] wide [of] society [of] movement of[is forwarding of in form of tabligh.
Inyik Djambek chosen to practice its science directly to society, and teach science about ketauhidan and study by bertabligh, [in] Surau Tangah Rice field of Bukittinggi, and become Surau Inyik Djambek, hitherto. Sheikh of Muhammad Djamil.
Djambek have Conclusion [to] that that Islam teaching better be [submitted/sent] to [pass/through] discourses and tabligh ( wirid-wirid) attended by society many. Its attention [is] addressed to increase believe someone. He get sympathy of figures of ninik 14 Documentation H. Mas’Oed Abidin.
Sheikh of Muhammad Jamil Jambek moslem scholar exponent of renewal of Islam of Sumatra West early century of ke-20,
circle and mamak learn Kweekschool. Even he perform [a] to be dialogued with people of[is non Islam and Chineman. popular in character [is] he make friends with its ism dissenter, so that in the year 1908 he found religious centre of activities to study recognized religion by the name of Surau Inyiak Djambek in the middle of Rice field, Bukttinggi. Its its[his] represent meeting place to Islam organisasiorganisasi.
Its action can give new colour [in] activity area.
religious [in] Sumatra West. Citing Ensiklopedi Islam, Sheikh of Muhammad Djambek [is] also known as [by] first moslem scholar [of] times;rill introduce the way of bertablig in public. Barzanji ( or rawi) of marhaban ( pujipujian) which [is] usually read off [by] [in] commemoration moment surau-surau.
Maulid Prophet of Muhammad SAW, the changing of with tablig which.
narrating history born Prophet of Muhammad in Malay.
That way also habit read history of Isra Mi'Raj Prophet of Muhammad of buku have Arab Ianguage [to], the changing of with tablig narrating the the event in Malay, [is] so that understood by all walks of life. Including also tradition read buku, the changing of with studying the problem of everyday life, in one science tradition. All that [done/conducted] [by] because religion destined [by] just for who able to comprehend [him/it]. He [is] even also known as [by] more looking alive moslem scholar [in] activity of tablig discourse and, what [is] later;then followed by [all] other pembaru [in] domain of Minangkabau.
Along journey of time, attitude and [his/its] view to tarekat start to change, and Sheikh of Muhammad Djambek nowadays [shall] no longger take an interest in tarekat. In the early year 1905, when performed [a] [by] meeting of moslem scholar utilize to study authenticity of tarekat that goes on [in] Hill of Surungan, Field 15 Documentation H. Mas’Oed Abidin.
Sheikh of Muhammad Jamil Jambek moslem scholar exponent of renewal of Islam of Sumatra West early century of ke-20,
Length, Sheikh of Muhammad reside in [party/ side] opposing tarekat. He/She " look out on" with Sheikh Shadow and of Haji Abbas advocating tarekat.
Later;Then he/she write book concerning criticism to tarekat entitle Lighting About Genesis of Thariqatu al-Naksyabandiyyah and All related to Him, consist of two volume. One of [the] clarification in that book, namely Naksyabandiyyah tarekat created by people of Persian and India.
Sheikh of Muhammad Djambek mention people from both that country full (of) and takhayul of khurafat which more and more far from Islam teaching.
Other book which written [it] entitle To comprehend Tasawuf and of Tarekat meant as effort realize renewal of idea of Islam. However in general he/she behave [do] not wish inimical with mores of Minangkabau. Year 1929, Sheikh of Muhammad Djambek found so called organization [of] Association of Nationality of Minangkabau as a mean to look after, esteeming, and loving local mores.
Djamil Djambek not many writing in magazine of Al-Munir. Djamil Djambek have knowledge about science of falak, which.
conducive compile time schedule pray and also for fasting in month;moon of Ramadhan. This Schedule [is] published per annum on behalf of him start year 1911, and because Inyik Djambek known as [by] Mr. Science of Falak, [he/she] publish Natijah Durriyyah to a period of/to 100 year. Although this [is] problem very disputed with clan of tradisionalis.
Beside activity of Inyik Djambek teach and write, active beliaupun in activity of society organization. In the year 1913, he found public spirited organization [in] so called Bukittinggi [of] Tsamaratul Ichwan publishing small books and brochure about Iesson of religion 16 Documentation H. Mas’Oed Abidin.
Sheikh of Muhammad Jamil Jambek moslem scholar exponent of renewal of Islam of Sumatra West early century of ke-20,
without searching advantage. Some years he make a move in this organization become company having the character of is commercial. At the time, he [do] not partake again in that company.
Sheikh of Djamil free Djambek formally x'self at one particular certain organization, like Muhammadiyah and of Thawalib. But he give motivation [at] renewal of idea of Islam by assisting the organisasi-organisi.
[He/She] noted as founder of Association Of Teacher Islamic Religion ( PGAI), founded [at] 1919 [in] Field, Sumbar.
Beside also to look after and labour Islam to out of danger damage which can [it]. Besides, he/she also partake to attend first congress [of] Senate Closeness Of Natural Custom [of] Minangkabau Year 1939. What do not less important on the way its mission, [at] a period of/to occupying of Japan, Sheikh of Muhammad Djambek found High Ceremony Islam ( MIT) center [in] Bukittinggi.
[At] 30 December 1947 ( 18 Shafar 1366 H), Inyik Djambek pass away, leaving big patrimony, tsulasa wirid ( every day Tuesday), what linger hitherto. [He/She] [in] burying beside Surau Inyik Djambek in the middle of Rice field of Bukittinggi, in age 87 year.
Some month;moon afterwards, 26 January 1948 ( 14 Rabi’Ul early 1366 H), alter ego of Inyik Djambek in missionizing, namely Inyik Sheikh David of Rasyidy ( famous with the title Inyik David, father of Buya Grandfather of Palimo Kayo), passing away also [in] Surau Inyik Djambek [in] this Tangah Rice field, when imam of shalat maghrib, and [is] day after entombed beside its mausoleum [of] Inyik Djambek. That is why hitherto this, we discover twin mausoleum beside this Inyik Djambek surau.
17 Documentation H. Mas’Oed Abidin.
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Selasa, 26 Mei 2009
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