In this chapter, the researcher want to describe about the background of the study, the objective study, the significance of study, basic assumption, and definition of key term.
1.1. Background Of the Study
The process of learning a foreign language in Indonesia usually begins in elementary school. The foreign language here is English. It is given just two times forty five minutes a week and students can only study their English during classes. They seldom use the other time outside class to study or practice about it. According to the researcher experience as prospective teacher, the researcher realizes that teaching a foreign language is not easy. The teacher is supposed to practice the nature of language, namely communication.
Referring to the statement, English as subject at school is still considered to be a frightening one. As a subject, it will be never interesting for the students. That is why teacher should manage English class as interesting a possible in order it should be frightening anymore.
A teacher of English plays dominant role in a class. He must understand his duty. It means that he knows how to use "English" for communication that is right to language structure. As it is stated, English never becomes interesting subject forever for the student if the teacher is always monotone in their teaching, so the teacher of English must be responsible how to make the student interested in English as their subject and how to make English interesting for the students.
In the other hand, an English teacher is supposed to apply all the techniques in the process of teaching because every class has its own different characteristic. So, an English teacher must master "class management" includes approach model, method and strategy of teaching and learning. A teacher is in a center position and he plays an important role in the class because the success of teaching and learning process depends on him.
The techniques, are used by the teacher will determine whether the teaching and learning process is successful or not. Teacher must choose appropriate techniques of teaching, which is appropriate to the condition or the students' hobbies. There are many techniques of teaching English such as using a song to make class interesting especially in learning English structure. The teacher must be competent to choose the technique in order to the goal of teaching learning process can be reached.
There are many teachers who use a song as the one of media in their teaching, but they just to entertain or to make the student not to be boring. The researcher thinks it will be more effective in teaching structure especially a tenses using a song because this techniques can be use for two purposes they are learning structure and make a situation more interesting in teaching learning process. More over, the application of this technique is very simple and interesting for the students.
Based on the background of study above, the researcher would like to conduct a research in the title : "The Use of Song in Teaching English Structure for the second years students at MTsN 1 Bandar Kidul Kediri".
1.2. Statement of the Problem
Based on the above background, it is necessary to study implementation, of teaching structure with a song carefully, to make it clear, the problem can be stated as follow:
1. How is the way of teaching structure with a song for the second year students of MTsN 1 Kediri ?
2. How is the achievement of learning structure with a song for the second year students of MTsN 1 Kediri ?
3. How is the students respond in learning structure with a song ?
1.3. The Objectives of the Study
1. To describe the way of teaching structure with song for the second year students of MTsN 1 Kediri.
2. To know the achievement of learning structure with song for the second year students of MTsN 1 Kediri.
3. To know the students respond in learning structure with a song.
1.4. The Limitation of the Study
The researcher on this study focus teaching structure using a song. In this case, the song is a text with the title "Mother how are you today" that enable the student can practice English well. The song is only the media that contains three tenses there are simple past tense, simple present tense and simple future tense.
1.5. Significance of the Study
The researcher hope that the result of the study will be useful for all readers, especially English teachers and students themselves. The use of study are:
For the English teacher : the result is to apply the technique which is suitable with the student condition, and it is also expected to be able to help the teacher in improving their competence in teaching learning English, especially in teaching structure that use song to make the students interest in studying lesson and it will give motivation to the teacher to look or technique with the structure skill. In the class, how to make students are use the learning structure, and it is expected to be able to enrich the teachers knowledge intern of teaching structure use the song.
For the student: the result of the study it is also expected to be able to give support to the students to study harder and improve their structure skill especially about tenses that found in the song at the other hand. The result of English structure and it is expected to be able to contribute the development of students achievement in learning English structure.
1.6. Assumption of the Study
1. The student of class II-B MTsN I Bandar Kidul Kediri have same ability in structure.
1.7. Definition of Key Terms
1. Teaching Structure
Teaching is an activity in which the teacher as the instructure of the student in guiding the learner to learn knowledge in order to know or understand. The meaning of the teaching structure is an activity in which the teacher teaches the student in lesson in order to the students can study well about structure especially in study about tenses.
2. Song
Song is kind of media entertainment that use lyric, tone, vocal, and usually make music that very interesting. The title song is " Mother how are you today".
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Selasa, 26 Mei 2009
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