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Selasa, 26 Mei 2009

Environmental Management Systems (EMS)

An Environmental Management System (EMS) is a set of processes and practices that enable an organization to reduce its environmental impacts and increase its operating efficiency. This Web site provides information and resources related to EMS for businesses, associations, the public, and state and federal agencies.

Basic Information
Learn why and how to develop an EMS.

Where You Live
This section includes information on EMS initiatives in our 10 regions.

Resources & Publications
A collection of guides, case studies, and other tools to help organizations understand and adopt EMSs for their operations, including a new report: Financial Market Incentives for Environmental Management Systems.

EPA's Position on EMS
Read about our approach to EMS development, including our position on EMS, signed December 15, 2005

EMS Initiatives Supported by EPA
We are carrying out a number of programs and activities involving EMSs, including voluntary initiatives with the public and private sectors.

EMS at EPA Facilities
Learn how we are developing and implementing EMS at our facilities.

Other Federal EMS Web Sites
A list of links that will take you to various federal agency EMS Web sites.

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