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Selasa, 26 Mei 2009

“Idul Fitri 1428H”

“Idul Fitri 1428H”

Moeslim is the majority religion in Indonesia. This year, they celebrated Idul Fitri 1428H (Hijriah) exactly on 13-14 October 2007. There were some activities that they usually do. During one month before Idul Fitri, they are fasting. At the night before the day of Idul Fitri, they are moving around the down town for shouting: “Allah Hu Akbar” means God is great. They praise their God (Allah) because Allah has given them a victory during the fasting month. This fasting month is called as “Ramadhan”. They believe that Ramadhan is the most important month, holiest month and full of blessing because they can fight with their body desires. On Idul Fitri, Moeslim people usually visit their parents’ home or their relatives’ home. They gather together to forgive each other and celebrate it with some delicious food. Other do a charity action: like to visit orphanage or to give some food for street children or the marginal people. On the other side we can see also the phenomenon that non-Moeslim people also greet them to show their respect. We can see some people shake hands one to another. Of course on that day (Idul Fitri) they celebrate it with worship together in the mosque and shout “Allah hu Akbar!”

Benny Sinaga

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